Special Event – 17th Jan

Healing Mind and Body with the Five Elements

With Visiting Lama

Jigme Jinpa.

9am to 6 pm

Saturday January 17th, 2009.

Registration is required for this program. Please click here to register .

At Monteray Place (click here for maps/directions)


We live in complex times, with complex thoughts and feelings. Yet there is a feeling, experience or situation that is not a composite of the five elements. Our mind, body and material world are none other that an intricate matrix of these basic forces. Once we start working with these basic building blocks of life and experience, we begin to gain true mastery over our domain. The possibility arises for our genuine creativity, strength, intimacy, richness and wisdom to shine forth. We will reveal the genuine “secrets” of these basic building blocks of experience and apply them to healing ourselves and others. This includes working with the colors, mantric sounds, seed syllables, forms and dynamic energy of the elemental forces. We will come to know these elements directly, around us, in others, in our bodies, and in our minds.

The purpose is to experience our Warrior, Ruler, Creator, Lover and Guru and awaken to the incredible potential that is directly within our grasp.


Lama Jigmé Jinpa (Dr Asa Hersh) is an ordained Ngakpa (white-robed Tantric Practitioner) of both the Kagyu and Nyingmapa lineages. He first took refuge with His Holiness the 16th Karmapa in 1980. In the same year, he met Kalu Rinpoche while on a pilgrimage to India, which eventually led to his undertaking the traditional lama training-the 3-year 3-month meditation retreat-from 1986-89. Over the years he has journeyed to India and Nepal 19 times, studying with great masters such as Dilgo Khyentse and Kunzang Dechen Lingpa. Lama Jinpa’s specialty is the practice of Chöd and his goal as a teacher and writer is to make these precious teachings accessible to Westerners. Having practiced as a healer for three decades, Lama Jinpa is a founding director and main teacher of the School of Tibetan Healing Chöd, providing a dynamic approach that combines the best of Western teaching methods and audiovisuals with the powerful blessing stream and energy of the authentic Eastern tradition. Currently he is completing Tibetan Chöd: Cutting Through to Freedom for Snow Lion Publications. Www.tibetancho.com

Check the Shambhala homepage for these and other upcoming programs, and information on the weekly meditation meeting.  Stay tuned for upcoming information on a Sadhana of Mahamudra feast to celebrate Losar (Shambhala Day), the lunar calendar new year, which is January 25th!

Best wishes,

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