Agency: How Action Shapes Perception in the Arising of Experience

The Little Bangkok Sangha is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. 

Monday 13 June, 2022 from 6:30 – 08.00 PM Bangkok

Zoom Meeting ID: 687 170 3208

This topic is a continuation of the exploration of Dependent Origination. Previously we looked at how the mind picks up one thing at a time and reacts to it. But we Homo Sapiens are not just reaction machines – we initiate and perpetuate actions deliberately. This too has a cascade effect in consciousness. This is exactly how Sakyamuni Buddha taught enlightenment practice.


Speaker: Phra Pandit Bhikkhu

Phra Pandit Bhikkhu is a British Buddhist monk who has been ordained for over 24 years. He chose Thailand as his place of ordination in 1996 after studying Buddhism and non-dual spirituality in various parts of the world for a number of years. He is the founder and principal teacher of the Little Bangkok Sangha which, for a long time, was the only sangha offering Dhamma in English in Bangkok. He has a degree in psychology and a MA in Buddhist Studies. Various media of his talks are available online. He is also a psychologist and University lecturer. Phra Pandit Bhikkhu has a reputation for being a very engaging speaker who effortlessly ma