Subject: Dharma Talk by Ajahn Brahm on Monday, 27 June 2011 from 2.00 pm (Royal Ballroom)
As part of the 135th anniversary celebrations of Mandarin Oriental, Bangkok, you are cordially invited to: –
a Dharma Talk entitled “The Secrets of Real Happiness”
by the renowned Ajahn Brahm
Royal Ballroom, Mandarin Oriental, Bangkok
on Monday, 27 June 2011 from 2.00 pm
Ajahn Brahmavamso was born in London in 1951. He regarded himself a Buddhist at the age of 17 through his reading of Buddhist books while still at school. His interest in Buddhism and meditation flourished while studying Theoretical Physics at Cambridge University. After completing his degree and teaching for a year, he travelled to Thailand to become a monk. He was ordained in Bangkok at the age of 23 by the Abbot of Wat Saket. He subsequently spent 9 years studying and training in the forest meditation tradition of the Venerable Ajahn Chah. In 1983, he was asked to assist in the establishing of a forest monastery near Perth, Western Australia. Ajahn Brahm now is the Abbot of Bodhinyana Monastery and the Spiritual Director of the Buddhist Society of Western Australia.
Ajahn Brahm will deliver a 45-minute talk on “The Secrets of Real Happiness”. There will be English-language books entitled “Wisdom of Silence” and CDRoms: “Secrets of Happiness” based on previous talks by Ajahn Brahm – for free distribution on that day. Donations are welcome.
To secure seats for this talk (first come first served basis), please call Mandarin Oriental, Bangkok’s Public Relations Dept., tel. 02 659 9000.
address 48 Oriental Avenue, Bangkok 10500, Thailand
telephone + 66 (2) 659 9000 ext. 7200
facsimile + 66 (2) 659 0000, + 66 (2) 238 0265 (direct)
I shall be there, noted in my diary already, Thanks for the info.
strange: the concierge denies any Dhamma talk pending… why am I not surprised.
Well it is always worth double checking info when it is not our own ‘Little Bangkok Sangha’ event. Things do change. Actually I offered to both A. Brahm and his group here to help with the coordination. But his luksits did not warm to the idea, so I am not in the know as to latest details.
Oriental re-replied today as follows:
Dear Deborah
Please accept our sincere apologies for the misunderstanding in the previous email.
We are most pleased to confirm a seat for yourself on Mon 27 June / Dhamma Talk by Ajahn Brahm at 14:00hrs accordingly. Thank you very much and looking forward to welcoming you next week.
Warm regards
Karn Puntuhong
Public Relations Secretary
Good to get confirmation! I didn’t realise it was at 2pm. I think I can go.