Special Event for Makha Puja: Thrs. March 1st 2018
Dancing with Roses: overcoming aversion, the second hindrance
1:30-4:00pm @ Rojana Center, Asoke
Thursday 1st March – this is a big day in the Buddhist calendar, and a national holiday
Ajahn Tiradhammo is one of the most senior of the Western Buddhist Monks, having ordained in NE Thailand over 40 years ago.
- 1:30-2:00 gather, refreshments
- 2-2:15 traditional Theravada Buddhist chanting
- 2:15-2:45 meditation
- 2:45-3:30 dhamma talk
- 3:30-4:00 Questions
Makha Puja commemorates an event from the time of the Buddha where 2500 enlightened beings spontaneously gathered and the Buddha gave his seminal summary of his teaching:
Refrain from Evil
Practice what is of merit
Purify the mind
This event is free of charge (donations are welcome though)
On this national holiday businesses will be closed, (and the traffic light!)
It is in English only
No need to book in advance, as there is plenty of room (come early for a good seat though)
About the Topic:
About Ajahn Tiradhammo:
Ajahn Tiradhammo is one of the most senior monks in the tradition of Ajahn Chah. He became interested in Dhamma in his student years while travelling through Sri Lanka.
Coming to Thailand and meditating at Wat Umong, he took ordination at Wat Meung Man in Chiang Mai
with Venerable Tong in 1974.
In 1975 he moved to study with Ajahn Cha at Wat Pa Pong and Wat Pa Nanachat. He went on several
tudong journeys through the northeast of Thailand and the mountains of Chiang Mai, visiting many famous
forest meditation masters.
Venerable Tiradhammo was invited to England in 1982 to help with developments there. He spent two years
at Chithurst Monastery, and three years in charge of Harnham Vihara in Northumberland. In 1988 he helped
establish Dhammapala Monastery near Bern, Switzerland and also later at its new location in the Bernese
Alpine village of Kandersteg where he was the senior monk until 2005. In July 2005 he assumed the position
of senior monk at Bodhinyanarama, Wellington, NZ where he remained as abbot for six and a half years.
He is currently of no fixed abode and travels widely. His visits to many monasteries and other locations can
be followed on his blog. http://tiradhammo.blogspot.com.au/
Getting there:
Please follow the map. It is VERY precise. It is easy to find: there are only one or two turns depending on which direction you are coming from. It is an 11 minute walk from Asoke BTS and even closer to Sukhumvit MRT
Go down Sukhumvit 23 to the first four way intersection. Turn right, and then turn right again at the end of the road.
Or just ask the motorcycles inside Sukhumvit 23 – they know the way. Tell them ‘Rojana’
Or if you need more definite pointers:
A few tips:
- Don’t ask locals or taxi drivers the way – they will not know the Rojana Centre, and will send you somewhere else instead. They will all know Sukhumvit 23, so go there and find your own way.
- Follow the map – plenty of landmarks are shown and it it extremely precise!
- In Thai the centre is known as Rojanatam
- Quite a few other foreigners will be heading there at the same time.
Here is the Google Map link, if you prefer this method
Here are the GPS coordinates if you prefer : 13.739356, 100.564748
The little Bangkok Sangha: