Saturday 26th March
Rojana Center, Suk. 23 (Asoke)
All are welcome to join in this final talk in the Course in Buddhism.
Buddhism has a beauty of its own, but also limitations. Are we heading towards a ‘cosmic’ religion as Einstein thought we need? Where is it all heading? Are we entering a new age that will be defined by new concepts, standards and awakening, or plummeting downhill? We’ll look at the predictions the Buddha made for the future of humanity, the next Buddha, and how to be a secular meditator.

We’ll stick to the schedule precisely.
Saturday morning, 26th March
- 9:45am Meet at the Rojana Center
- 10-11am talk on BEYOND BUDDHISM
- 11-11:30 Questions
- 11:30 finish (promptly)
The Speaker
Pandit Cittasamvaro is Bangkok’s busiest Western Buddhist monk. There may be a few hundred westerners who have taken long-term ordination living in Thailand – but they all would rather spend time in remote and strict forest temples. They all avoid Bangkok! Yes, Bangkok is the wild frontier of Buddhism, where meditation and spiritual pursuits are hard to find.
Pandit Bhikkhu has been living in the temples since age 24. Starting in the temples of the renowned teacher Ajahn Chah in the UK, he ordained in Thailand in 1996. Completing a degree in psychology, he is currently (ahem!) writing his MA thesis for a Masters in Buddhist Studies.
Since 2007 he has been organising Dharma talks, meditaiton and other related events in the spiritual wilderness of Bangkok.

The course is academic in approach, rather than religious. We want to understand the thinking and philosophy behind both Buddhism and Thai culture, which are of course, intimately linked.
Getting there
Gathering is at the spacious Rojana Center, Sukhumvit 23. Please follow the map. It is VERY precise. It is easy to find: there are only one or two turns depending on which direction you are coming from.
Go down Sukhumvit 23 to the first four way intersection. Turn right, and then turn right again at the end of the road.
Or just ask the motorcycles inside Sukhumvit 23 – they know the way.
Or if you need more definite pointers:
- Follow the map – plenty of landmarks are shown along the way.
- Taxi drivers and locals will probably NOT know the centre – go to Sukhumvit 23, and then follow the map
- In Thai the centre is known as Rojanatam
Here is the Google Map link, if you prefer this method
Here are the GPS coordinates if you prefer : 13.739356, 100.564748