Buddhist Psychos – April 20

The next Buddhist Psycho meet is Wednesday April 20th at Amarin Plaza, 4th floor cafeteria next to book store. Meet 2pm

Led by our own Dr Holly, the psychos meet to discuss Buddhism, psychology, planetary science or whatever else crops up … recent months have loosely discussed ideas from Buddhadasa – and this months chat kicks off  on the topic of Anatta (non-self), which makes for an interesting psy. angle as psychology tends to focus on models of self.

All welcome

Be there or be analysed !

Full message from Dr Holly:

Assuming we all survive Songkran, the next meeting will be on April 20, 2 p.m., in Amarin Plaza, 4th floor cafeteria close to the bookstore.
Last meeting. we discussed what the experience of emptiness or sunyatta involved. If it is unconditioned, then no part of the self as we know it is involved. What do the different traditions in Buddhism have to offer from a psychological perspective?
I brought a few copies of Buddhadasa’s little book, The Buddha’s Doctrine of Anatta, which I had copied for 100 baht each. In April, I will bring the remaining copies (6) and try to remember who I promised to give them to.
Happy Songkran, Everyone!  Good time to stay home & meditate.
With metta,

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