In 2007 Pandit, Audwin and Holly met at the brand new Baan Aree to ask for use of their facilities. The first Pansa Dhamma Talk Series ‘Insights of Insight meditation’ commenced a couple of months later under the name ‘littlebang’ – a blog set up just as a ‘for more information’ web address for that series of talks. …
Category Archives: reports
Report on YBAT International Retreat 2011
Evaluation Form Results YBAT International Meditation Retreat with Pandit Bhikku January 7-9 , 2011 Some photos from this retreat are here ************************************************************************* All participants male : 12 female : 17 Answered evaluation : 28 1. How did you find about the retreat ? – Friends/Spouse 6 – Internet 13 …
Continue reading “Report on YBAT International Retreat 2011”
Ringu Tulku Rinpoche at Dance Studio
Last night, 8th February 2011, Ringu Tulku Rinpoche continued his time in Thailand with a talk on the Foolishness of Samsara. Looking a little tired after a Dhamma talk in the afternoon also Rinpoche nonetheless managed to inspire, amuse and encourage people in Dhamma. The gist of the talk was how foolish negative emotions can be. ‘Samsara’ he …
Report: 2010 in review
This post is from WordPress automated reporting …. The stats helper monkeys at mulled over how this blog did in 2010, and here’s a high level summary of its overall blog health: The Blog-Health-o-Meter™ reads Wow. Crunchy numbers The Louvre Museum has 8.5 million visitors per year. This blog was viewed about 81,000 times …
Report: Ajahn Pasanno II
Tuesday 21st December 2010 we hosted Ajahn Pasanno for the second time. On this occasion we were at Baan Aree. click image above for photos Ajahn Pasanno is the Abbot of Wat Abhayagiri in California. Previously he was the abbot of the International temple in the NE of Thailand. He is fluent in Thai, and every visit to Bangkok involves …
Report: Hideaway Retreat II
We just returned from our second weekend at the beautiful Reverie Hideaway … place (what exactly is it?) A pair of traditional Thai style teak houses in the fields of Pathum Thanee, where the birds chattered and thankfully there was no karaoke or other city/village noises to disturb. Click the image for the photo album: Wrestling the …
Report: ‘Mindful Therapy’
Book review for MINDFUL THERAPY – A Guide for Therapists and Helping Professionals. If you have read a book recently about or connectecd to Buddhism or meditation – send it in via the contacts page. Author: Ph.D. Thomas Bien Publisher: Wisdom Publications Keywords: helping, professionals, therapists, guide, therapy, mindful Number of Pages: 272 Published: 2006-02-17 …
Report: Bhikkhuni Ani Zambar
Monday 8th November 2010, Bhikkhuni Ani Zamba otherwise known as Bhikkhuni Zamba Chozom, came to Bangkok and gave a talk at the spacious Dance Studio on Suk. 24. This was our first time at this venue – people had a tricky time finding it … but that is always the way with a new place. Photos were taken …
Report: Dhamma Talk Series 2010
This year’s Dhamma Talk Series finished at the end of October. We had met for 6 weeks at the Pharmaceutical Association of Thailand, for Talks and some meditation. I arrange this set of events each year, mainly due to the absence of other Dhamma programs in Bangkok. It takes a lot of work …
Notes: The Future of Kamma
Following are the notes on the talk ‘The Future of Kamma’ by Cittasamvaro, 21st October 2010 in the 2010 Talk Series LIFE: in the Frame of Mindfulness Each year in the Dhamma Talk Series, there is a talk on Kamma (Sanskrit – ‘Karma’). This topic always generates some interest and interaction – people love to …
Tich Nhat Hanh at MCU
Friday 22nd October, 2010 famed monk Thich Nhat Hanh was hosted by the Monk’s University Mahaculalongkorn Rajavidhayalaya in their huge new campus meeting room at Wang Noi, near Ayuddhaya. Approximately 2000 people were in attendance, including about 100 monks and nuns (distinguishable by their headscarves) from The Venerable monk’s own group. They were here in Thailand establishing a new ‘Plum …
Notes: The Name of the Helper
Notes on the 4th Dhamma Talk in the 2010 Series LIFE: in the Frame of Mindfulness Originally this talk was called ‘There’s Suffering, and There’s Noble Suffering’, but the way things worked out the topic changed slightly. ‘Suffering’ was still the theme, but the focus was on the ‘knowing’ of suffering – or ‘The Name …
Notes on ‘The Gatekeeper’
n’atti santipara.m sukha.m -there is no happiness greater than peace nibbaana.m parama.m sukha.m – nibbana is the ultimate happiness. Notes for the Dhamma talk "The Gatekeeper" at the Pharmaceutical Association of Thailand 30th September 2010 ****** Mindfulness/Absorption Human being s love to be absorbed in something. The feeling of being with the body and mind …
Notes: A Matter of Mindfulness
LIFE: in the Frame of Mindfulness 2010 Dhamma Talk Series Notes on the first talk: A Matter of Mindfulness The theme this year – Mindfulness – is a hot topic in the world of psychology and therapy. The other hot topic by the way, is consciousness … but as yet the field of study has …
Describing the Undescribable
Different traditions have very different teachings. Can they all be pointing to the same thing? Or is that just a ‘liberal’ approach that tries to be too inclusive? Arthur’s reaction to our event on consciousness and the mind featuring the video of Jill Bolte Taylor and Susan Greenfield: Most Buddhists, despite a respectful nod to …
Out of Mind Experiences
Following up from our group view of the Jill Bolte Taylor video at the Tai Pan Hotel. Our Little Bangkok meditation group met for discussion on meditation, vipassana, mindfulness and neurology, or the brain. Following is the report from the event. Jill Bolte Taylor certainly had some odd experiences during her stroke. Where other people …
So Are You Your Brain?
Nov 2008 we met at the Tai Pan Hotel for lunch and video. The topic was The Nirvana Neuron. About 30 of us went for lunch, and some more came later for the videos. In case you were there, the Monastics were: Phra Bhasakorn (author of a popular book on Karma) Mae Chee Brigitte (German …
Any moment but this..
Blog for those interested in meditation, vipassana, mindfulness and such in Bangkok, the city of Angels, Thailand: Doctors, magazines and self-help books all recommend meditation as a way to relax, relive stress and restore harmony and balance of body and soul. Is it really like that? Or does meditation feel like hard work, fell like …
Workshop photos
A few photos from our one day meditation workshop with mindfulness and vipassana teacher Jeff Oliver, in Bangkok, Thailand.This dharma center sits there empty all year long – what a pity Luang Phor Viriyang of Wat Dhammamonkhol said we can’t use it – he would rather no one use it at all!!! Below: a couple …
Jeff Oliver Talk Photos
Nov 2008 Australian meditation teacher Jeff Oliver stopped off in Bangkok to give a Dhamma talk entitled ‘How to Meditate’. A long time student of Burmese Master Sayadaw U Janaka, he took us through basic Samadhi practise using the breathing at the nostrils, and then vipassana awareness in the six senses. First is gathering in …