A Course in Consciousness and Buddhism
with Dr Georges Dreyfus
Saturdays, for 5 weeks from 1st July

We’re holding a new course on Buddhism and modern consciousness research, led by one of our great Bangkok resources Dr Georges Dreyfus. Periodically it’s great to go into these topics in real depth – more than we ever get to with ad-hoc dharma talks. You don’t have to be a scholar, but you do need to be keen:
- for 5 Saturday early afternoons from July 28th – August 25th
- by donation
- course covers key areas in the relation of modern consciousness studies, and the Buddhist model of how mind and awareness work.
- Saturdays 1:30-3:30pm, in English
About the Course:
- Primary book: The Phenomenological Mind, by Gallagher and Zahavi (book link)
Class 1: Attention and consciousness Wu, Attention, 11-41, 176-207, 270-274 |
Class 2 Consciousness and intentionality Gallagher and Zahavi, The Phenomenological Mind, chap. 1, 2. 5, 6. |
Class 3 Consciousness and selfhood Gallagher and Zahavi, The Phenomenological Mind, chap. 3, 4 |
Class 4 : Do we have free will? Wegner, “Apparent Mental Causation,” |
Class 5 Buddhism and the science of positive affects Barrett, How Emotions Are Made, Chap 12 |
About the Speaker

Dr Georges B. J. Dreyfus studied for fifteen years as an ordained Tibetan monk in Tibetan monastic universities in India and was the first ever Westerner to receive the title of Geshe – the highest distinction of scholarly learning in the Tibetan system. This necessitated becoming fluent in Tibetan, leading to roles as a translator for several of the very great Tibetan masters of the era.
After leaving the monkhood, he completed a Ph.D in Religious Studies at the University of Virginia before joining Williams College where he is presently the Jackson Professor of religion. His first book, Recognizing Reality: Dharmakirti’s Philosophy and its Tibetan Interpretations, (Suny: 1997), explores the Tibetan reception of Buddhist epistemology. He has also written on Madhyamaka philosophy, co-editing a volume with Sara McClintock, The Svatantrika-Prasangika Distinction: What Difference does a Difference make? (Wisdom, 2003). His last work, The Sound of Two Hands Clapping: the Education of a Tibetan Buddhist Monk (University of California, 2003), reflects in a partly autobiographical mode on the education of Tibetan monks and the intellectual practices that foster this education.
‘APARTMENTS’ Meditation Centre
The center is a 4 minute walk from Ekkamai BTS Station.
We are 9/37 Thana Aket, Ekkamai Sukhumvit 63.
Enter Ekkamai (Sukhumvit Soi 63). Turn left into the second soi (lane). Bourbon street restaurant is on the corner. We’re the third building on the right, in the ‘APARTMENTS‘ building. Go up to the top floor. See the excellent map – it is very precise!
1. Is the course in ENGLISH? Rather important.
2. Is there an elevator/lift or how many stories up to the Apartment? Also important for me.
Thanks CharlesHarpole@yahoo.com
Yes, all our events are in English.
There is a lift going up 7 floors. Then one flight of stairs going up to the top floor.
May we attend some of the classes only? Unfortunately I have a conflict of schedule for some of the days.
As you like. I gave up trying to control things!
I’m interested in joining the course.
Can I ask for a reservation here?
Best Regards.
Just come. No reservation needed.
class #1 of the ‘Early Tibetan Buddhism Course’ with Dr. George Dreyfus, organized by Phra Pandit Bikkhu of the Little Bangkok Sangha – outstanding class, very interesting and extremely informative!
It cleared up certain obscurities in Tantric yoga from point of view of Kundalini Yoga (historically and lineage of Yogi Bhajan, from his astral teacher, Guru Ram Das)
Have tried to share on FB, but it didn’t go.
Will do again.
Looking forward to class #2
Thank you!
Oh, also many thanks for the additional text 3 Vehicles – very clear outline, very helpful, again, outstanding organisation for an excellent topic.
Appreciated it – really
For those of you interested in Dalai Lamas Stages of Enlightement, here is his teachings in Dharamsala…translated into English: