Dhamma talk with Jeff Oliver

Dhamma projects kindly hosted by the Dance Centre

Tuesday 1st of March

We will meet with familiar and respected meditation teacher Jeff Oliver for dhamma talk and meditation at the Dance Centre on Sukhumvit 24 – this location will be a common place for us to meet from now on – so it’s good to get familiar with it!

Jeff has given a number of talks for us over the last couple of years and his conversational style has proved very accessible to all.  Previously he practised both as a monk for 6 years, and as a layman under the tutelage of revered Burmese master U Janaka in the Mahasi Sayadaw lineage. More recently he has been practising with the Burmese master Sayadaw U Tejaniya. Currently he is teaching meditation at various locations around the globe – wherever people invite him, with a special focus on Turkey. 

Topic is still open. My suggestion:

‘How much do we need to know about Enlightenment to practise meditation’

Anyone have any other topics/suggestions for Jeff to talk on?


6:00-6:45 Meet, chat, chill …

6:45 – 7:15 meditation

7:15 – 8:15 Dhamma talk

8:15 finish for those rushing off …. maybe evening meal out somewhere with Jeff and some of our friends


The Dance Centre is on Sukhumvit 24, inside the large building called

‘The President Park’ (opposite the Davis Hotel)

As you go through the building entrance(s) you will see the grand steps leading up to the ‘Capitol Club’. The Dance Centre is located on the second floor.

You can go by either Skytrain (Phrom Phong Stn) or Underground (Q. Sirikit Stn). It’s a 20 minute light walk along the soi, or you can take a motorcycle.

The Dance Centre is spacious and pleasant, and of course, air-conditioned. Click the map if you need an even larger version


2 replies on “Dhamma talk with Jeff Oliver”

  1. Topic suggestion: Sitting meditation & Mindfulness during daily activities (work, eat, etc) – what’s the difference?

  2. I met Jeff at the Green Papaya sangha in CNX on the 21st and he said to contact him here for his email address, please.

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