Following is a message from His Holiness Phakchok Rinpoche (who has done several well received tours in Bangkok over the last couple of years).
Good Morning, Good Afternoon and Good Evening,
Where ever you all are, I hope that you have all been well and happy. And now here is my friendly reminder on this Guru Rinpoche Day.
A genuine motivation leads to a genuine practice.
Practicing the dharma is very important, but at the same time, you need to know how to practice the dharma properly. Just by doing some kind of practice or meditation or reciting a sadhana [mantra recitation] like a daily chore is not sufficient.
In order to practice the dharma well, it is most essential to have a pure motivation, a selfless motivation. A motivation that is drawn specifically towards benefitting all sentient beings:
May all sentient beings find happiness and the causes of happiness.
May all sentient beings be free from suffering and the causes of suffering.
When you practice the dharma, it is also very important to be mindful of your emotions and your chain of thoughts. Watch them close. See and reflect. How is that negative emotion arising? While arising, how soon are you getting attached to it? And how soon is your mood shifting? How easy to be changed, this mind, your mind!
Maintaining the practice is to know how to reduce the negative emotions.
Being free from mood swings and fleeting emotions.
Being free from this kind of impermanence.
Therefore, just look.
For those of you who think you don’t need to practice the above method thinking you are somewhat superior, the very fact that this thought occurred, I would like to specifically urge this “SUPERIOR YOU” to constantly check and reflect.
More so,
We all like to think.
We all like to feel.
We all like to do what we like.
All based on the likes of this glorious “I”.
But where is this liking coming from?
Where is this liking now?
And where is this liking going?
What a marvelous display of the mind!
The problem is itself created by the mind.
The problem is itself solved by the mind.
By resting in the natural state of the mind,
You are naturally freed from the entrapments of the mind.
This is taught by the Great Masters of the past, repeatedly.
In order to receive their blessings and take to heart their generous advice rooted deeply in the most genuine of motivation, you should follow them and work towards making your practice genuine and grounded. And the key here is meditation and more meditation.
The timing doesn’t matter, at first just sit and meditate. No matter what your experiences are, don’t get attached to them. Just sit and watch.
This is my simple and abrupt message on this Guru Rinpoche Day.
Sarva Mangalam,
Phakchok Rinpoche