Mahidhol University is holding a 3 day workshop on HOspice and Palliative Care this February.
Note: registration officially closes on 31 Jan, which would make it too late to join. However, since we had not received the information prior to this, it is likely a phone call will secure a spot if you are keen to attend.
Contact: 02 201 2764 or 02 271 2763
email : rapmy [at ]
Program goes as follows:
Agenda for Workshop on Hospice and Palliative Care
Monday February 9, 2009
0830 – 0930 Introduction by Thai Group / Multisun project including: Overview of Thai health care system / cancer system Current state of Thai palliative care services Report back from Switzerland meeting
(Facilitated by Johann Destrooper and Dr. Apinanta Review of palliative care needs assessment
0930 – 1000 Coffee break
1000 -1200 Presentation by Dr. José Pereira and Lynn Kachiuk including: Models of palliative care Palliative care services Interprofessional practice Roles of the Interprofessional team members
1200 – 1300 Lunch
1300 – 1615 Presentation on pain management based on LEAP modules with additions as needed principles of pain management complex pain management Invite Thai group to present cases for discussion
1615 – 1630 Wrap up for the day
Tuesday February 10, 2009
0830 – 0900 Summary of discussion from Monday evening
0900 – 1015 Presentation on Dyspnea based on LEAP modules with additions as needed Include pleural effusion management (PleurX) Invite Thai group to present cases for discussion
1015 – 1030 Coffee break
1030 – 1200 Presentation on Delirium Dr. Tana from Thai context based on LEAP modules with additions as needed Invite Thai group to present cases for discussion
1200 – 1300 Lunch
1300 – 1400 Presentation on Nausea and Vomiting based on LEAP modules with additions as needed Invite Thai group to present cases for discussion
1400 – 1500 Presentation on Bowel Obstruction based on LEAP modules with additions as needed Invite Thai group to present cases for discussion
1500 – 1615 Presentation on Depression & Anxiety From the Thai context Discussion also supplemented by LEAP material
1615 – 1630 Wrap up for the day
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
0900 – 1000 Keynote address Status of Palliative Care around the World
By Dr. José Pereira
1000 – 1100 Last hours and days Based on LEAP module Interactive discussion about how this occurs in Thailand
(cultural aspects etc.)
1100 – 1200 Communication Part 1 Disclosure and prognostication
1200 – 1300 Lunch
1300 – 1400 Keynote address Palliative Care Education in Medical Schools
By Dr. José Pereira
1400 – 1500 Communication Part 2 Other ethical issues
1500 – 1630 Where do we go from here? (Interactive discussion) Education plans (Tara Tucker) What services / programs are needed Wrap up and summary of future plans perhaps with a ” to do
list ”