Meditation Workshop

Saturday 15th November

9am – 6pm

One day Vipassana Meditation Workshop

with visiting meditation teacher Jeff Oliver

A couple of places have opened up due to cancellations. There will of course, be more such workshops in the future.

We have done plenty of dhamma talks over the last year, but many of you have asked for more clear instruction and guidance in mindfulness meditation – and meditation is the aim of dhamma.

We are limited to around 25 people for this event, so advance reservation is essential – especially if you want to take advantage of the personal interview and guidance with the teacher.

In November we are lucky to invite Jeffrey Oliver (who is currently teaching the 10 day intensive meditation retreat at the Dhammodaya Centre,)  to lead this meditation workshop for us. He will give clear instructions on meditation for both beginners and advanced levels of experience, including personal one-to-one time with some of the participants. Group meditation sessions cover sitting and walking meditation, with an emphasis on Metta (loving-kindness) as a foundation in preparing the mind for Vipassana (insight).

Jeff is a follower of the world respected Burmese teacher U Janaka, and was a monk for many years. The meditation method follows Mahasi Sayadaw Insight meditation (Vipassana) as taught by U Janaka.

The Piyadhamma Meditation Centre is quiet and air conditioned, set well off the busy Sukhumvit road, with plenty of room and good facilities for Dhamma practise.


Meet at the Piyadhamma Center (directions below), close to Ekamai BTS Station 9am, and finish at 6:30.

All meditation instruction led by Jeff. Group sittings led by Phra Cittasamvaro during the personal interview period in the early afternoon. Schedule below is subject to change, but should be something like the following

8:30 – 9 am     : Meet Piyadhamma Centre

9 – 10:30        : Sitting meditation instruction and practise

10:30 – 11:30 : Walking meditation instruction and practise

11:30 – 12:15 : Sitting meditation

12:15 – 1:30   : Lunch (either in the centre, or close by)

1:30 – 4:00     : Group sitting and walking led by Phra Cittasamvaro, and one-to-one interviews with Ajahn Jeff.

4pm                : Coffee break

4:30 – 6pm     : Short talk on ‘Maintaining a meditation practise in daily life’ by Jeff and final group sitting and Metta (loving kindness) meditation session.

There will be some time afterwards to chat informally after the close of the day’s session for those who are not rushing off to enjoy their Saturday Night.


There are limited spaces for personal interviews and guidance so you must book your place. A limited number of extra people can join, but we can’t guarentee one-to-one time with the teacher.

Cost: The facilities are offered for free, including the vegetarian lunch.

Reserve by the comments box below, or by the Contact Page.


Piyadhamma Centre is easy to get to: it is 800 meters from On Nut BTS Station. You can walk in around 15 minutes, or take a motorcycle or taxi (35 baht ride). Turn on to Sukhumvit Soi 81 and go 750 meters along. Take the first right after the little bridge over the canal. The center is on the right hand side 50 meters down the soi.

We will give clear instructions to the motorcycle guys so they know where to go, but it is very straight forward. Click the map below for larger image:


Below is a printable version of the above map. Click to enlarge:

31 replies on “Meditation Workshop”

  1. ผมขอจอง 1 ที่ครับ ชื่อ กันธร ไกรกาบแก้ว โทร.0816403638
    Kanthorn Kraikabkaew


  2. Please reserve a spot for me.
    I assume that we will be maintaining noble silence throughout the day, including lunch time and coffee break?

  3. Wow, filling up fast.

    We will limit to 18 the places for the one-to-one guidence, and another 10 places to join in without the interview – there should still be chance after the day’s retreat to talk with Jeff individually for anyone who did not get to interview.

    I will mail to all of you who have booked in.

  4. Appreciate if you could book two spots, for the full day mediation and personal interviews with Ajhan.for myself and my wife. on the 15th November.

    Please conform by return E mail. to

    Thank you

    With mettha

    Rohan & Tishani

  5. I would like to make a reservation for the one day Meditation Workshop on Saturday 15th November from 9am to 6pm with visiting meditation teacher Ajahn Jeff Oliver.

    Thank you.
    Sareena Sernsukskul

  6. Please reserve me a seat for the Meditation Workshop on 15th November.
    Many thanks,

    Jan Favre

  7. If it is not too late already, I would be most grateful if I too could make a reservation for the Nov 15 meditation workshop. Thank you!

  8. I’ve been practising with A.Jeff and others for many years. He is GREAT! His teaching is practical.

    As adviced by him about this program, may I reserve for two persons on Sat.? No interview is find. Thank you.


  9. I hope this is not too late for me to ask you to make a reservation for me for the meditation workshop with Aj.Jeff on this Nov. 15. It will be very much helpful to me. Many Thanks.

  10. I would like to join the meditation workshop on No. 15, if it is still possible. Thank you so much.

  11. I would like to reserve a place for the meditation workshop on the 15 th Nov.
    Thank You

  12. Please reserve me a seat for the Meditation Workshop on 15th November.
    Kind regards

    Beata Majewska

  13. I would like to introduce my husband to A. Jeff’s Meditation Workshop on Sat. 15th. I have known A. Jeff for many years and did enjoy meditation and talks. Please reserve 2 spots for us. Thanks.

  14. Hmm seem like I may be too late to reserve the seat. Anyway, if there any place left or any cancellation, please kindly let me know. I would like to attend it. Thank you.

  15. I would like to participate if possible. I am not requesting any interview and if you are short of food I can bring my own. Please advise if its possible to come or not.


  16. Is there ANY chance of one more place? I just heard about it and would so love to attend. If there’s any way you could let me know that’d be wonderful.

    Thanks a LOT


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