The Dharma of Impermanence: A Zoom Event @Sun 26 Apr

Contemplation & Crises The Dharma of Impermanence — Anicca A Zoom Event Sunday 26th April 2020  3:30 PM to 5:00 PM Bangkok 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM London (BST) For other times click HERE Times of crisis are times of change — periods when our reality shifts into a different form. How we react and …

Phra Pandit talks instead of our regular meetings

  Dear Members of the Little Bangkok Sangha We hope you, your family and all those you hold dear, are all well and that you are able to take good care of yourself and others during this uncertain and worrying period. As you know, we are unable to meet in person at the moment, so …

The Venerable Bojangles – Fri 7 Feb

‾‾‾‾‾‾Ξ‾‾‾‾‾‾ ‘THE VENERABLE BOJANGLES’ Dhamma talk @Baan Aree with Pandit Bhikkhu Fri. 7th Feb : in English 6-8pm ____Ξ____ Overview: Dharma talk with Pandit Bhikkhu. There’s no charge, no need to reserve, and mats/chairs are provided.   6:00pm gather (coffee shop on site) 6:25 meditation 7:45 dhamma talk, Q&A 8:00 finish (promptly) We’re glad to …


Monday Night Meditation with the Little Bangkok Sangha in Asoke this February   Special Dhamma Events on all Monday evenings All our Monday nights in February will be special, longer events. On February 3rd we are very honoured to have Venerable Ajahn Karuniko teaching us. Until recently he was the Abbot of Cittaviveka Chithurst Monastery. Then …

SPECIAL EVENT: Meditation and Dhamma talk with Ajahn Cattamalo Bhikkhu (16 Dec)

Monday 16th December 2019 @ 6.00 to 8pm.  Overview:  We are delighted to be welcoming back Ajahn Cattamalo for an evening of teachings on Monday 16th December. He is the senior monk at Muttodaya Monastery in Stammbach Germany and was ordained in the lineage of Luang Por Chah.     6.00 pm: Gather at Rojana Center (see …

SPECIAL EVENT: “Mindfully Facing Disease and Death” with Bhikkhuni Santussika (9 Nov)

“Mindfully Facing Disease and Death” Dharma and Reflection Saturday 9th November, 2019 3pm to 5pm   Details: We are delighted to be welcoming back Bhikkhuni Santussika for a special Saturday afternoon teaching, kindly hosted by the Indus Restaurant on Sukhumvit Soi 26, Phrom Phong.   Entitled Mindfully Facing Disease and Death, it will be a …

Special Monday Night Meditation with the Little Bangkok Sangha in Asok- September

  Monday Night Meditation with the Little Bangkok Sangha in Asok freestyle meditation every week Suk 23 (Asoke), 6:30 – 8:00 pm _______________________________   Overview: Meditate with a Monk is back. Phra Pandit, the founder of the Little Bangkok Sangha, will be leading four Monday night meditations in September. Phra Pandit is a British monk …

Monday 16th September 2019 @ 6pm. SPECIAL EVENT: An evening with the Venerable Ani Zamba

Overview: We are delighted to announce that the Venerable Ani Zamba Chozom is going to be offering teachings to the Little Bangkok Sangha. Ani Zamba was one of the first Western women to receive full ordination as a Buddhist nun. She has studied with many of the great teachers in all three Buddhist lineages and has a …

Monday Night Meditation with the Little Bangkok Sangha in Asok – July

🙂 Monday Night Meditation with the Little Bangkok Sangha in Asok freestyle meditation every week Suk 23 (Asoke), 6:30 – 8:00 pm _______________________________   Overview: Join a friendly group for meditation every Monday night from 6.30 pm to 8.00 pm in Asok. Instruction will be given by either Phra Pandit, the British monk who created …

Special Announcement: Ven. Ajahn Siripanyo leading Meditation on 24th June

SPECIAL MONDAY EVENING ANNOUNCEMENT: Ven. Ajahn Siripanyo, the Abbot of Dtao Dum Monastery will be leading our Monday night meditation at The Rojana Centre on 24th June, 2019.   Details: Tan Ajahn Siripanyo is a Thai-Malaysian monk born in London and educated in the UK. He was ordained in Thailand and lived there as a …

The Edge of Perception: dhamma talk and puja

‾‾‾‾‾‾Ξ‾‾‾‾‾‾ THE EDGE OF PERCEPTION Dhamma talk and puja with Pandit Bhikkhu Baan Aree, 6-8pm Friday 3rd May ____Ξ____ Overview: Dharma talk with Pandit Bhikkhu. There’s no charge, no need to reserve, and mats/chairs are provided. 6:00pm gather (coffee shop on site) 6:25 meditation 7:45 dhamma talk, Q&A 8:00 finish (promptly) We’re glad to be …

English Dhamma Talk/Meditation Friday evening

—————             ————— The Tale of the Cosmic Hobo Dhamma talk and meditation @Baan Aree, Friday 1st March —————             ————— ≡ Overview: DHAMMA TALK and meditation in English with Pandit Bhikkhu, British born Buddhist Monk in Bangkok. Hosted at Baan Aree Foundation, 5 mins walk from …

SPECIAL HALF DAY EVENT: Perfecting Patience in an Impatient World with FPMT teachers, Kay Cooper and Gordon McDougall

To be held from 10am to 1pm on Saturday 19th January 2019 @ Rojana Centre, Asoke. Cartoon courtesy of Michael Leurnig. Overview: Saturday 19th January 2019 Kay Cooper and Gordon McDougall have been teaching Tibetan Mahayana Buddhism in Europe and Asia for many years. For over thirty years their teacher has been Lama Zopa Rinpoche, …

special event dharma talk with visiting monk

° Special Event: Dharma Talk with Ajahn Khemavaro (abbot of Wat Buddhadhamma, Sydney) 10:00 am – Noon, Saturday 3rd March 2018 @ little Bangkok Meditation Center, Ekkamai ° It’s short notice, but we find we can host Venerable Khemavaro for a dharma talk on Saturday morning – he’s flying back to Aus. in the afternoon, so …

21 Again, and it’s So Much Better Second Time Around – dhamma talk & Puja

• Dhamma Talk and Puja with Pandit Bhikkhu Sunday 5th November 21 AGAIN AND IT’S SO MUCH BETTER SECOND TIME AROUND • Overview: 10:30am-12:00 @ Rojana Center, Sukhumvit Soi 23 (Asoke BTS/Sukhumvit MRT) Free of charge no need to book in advance in English   After this event there will be some food offered for your …

Coming Home to Yourself – meditation course wk 2 video + transcript

• Coming Home to Yourself week 2 of the 2017 meditation course, Bangkok video and transcript • transcript: OK … so The end of the session today I will introduce another extra practice which you can take up optionally so your 20 minutes a day that’s mandatory but what you do during that 20 minutes …

Beliefs, Doubts, and the 7 Steps to Awakening

___∨___ Beliefs, Doubts, and the 7 Steps to Awakening @World Fellowship of Buddhists Sunday 3rd July 2-5pm The WFB holds a monthly session in English (most months). July is with Pandit Bhikkhu at the World Fellowship of Buddhists HQ, Benchasiri Park (emporium). Event is free of charge No need to reserve – there’s plenty of …

a Path of Problems: Dharma talk with Bhikkhuni Ani Pema

____º____ Tuesday 29th March Dharma talk with Bhikkhuni Ani Pema @little Bangkok Meditation Center, Ekkamai A PATH OF PROBLEMS  Overview: Dharma talk and meditation with visiting American Bhikkhuni ordained in the Tibetan lineage.  7:00pm gather at the little Bangkok Meditation Center (or come earlier if you want to chat) 7:20pm dharma talk begins 8:15pm Questions 8:30pm finish (promptly). Those …

The Special Teaching of a Sammasambuddha – week 4 in the Course in Buddhism

«∴» Saturday 5th March Series: Sat. 13th Feb – Sat. 26th March Week 4 of the : COURSE IN THAI BUDDHISM Overview: This week we continue our exploration of Buddhism, focusing on key stories. The cosmology of Buddhism says there is only one ultimate goal; but that anyone can attain to it if they practice in the …

TOPICS – 2015 Dhamma Talk Series – the Eight Stages of Yoga

⊂⊃ TALK TOPICS 2015 DHAMMA TALK SERIES Thursday evenings 6:30-8:15pm Sept 10th – Oct 29th ____________________________ A Buddhist breakdown of the THE EIGHT STEPS OF YOGA ____________________________ This series of talks is based on the Thai Theravada Buddhist system, as a way of relating to the Eight Limbs of Yoga from the classic Yoga Sutras. This …