Dharma Elements – Talk and Puja at the Rojana Centre

⇓ Saturday 8th August THE THERAVADA PUJA and Dharma Elements at the Rojana Center, Suk. 23 9:30-11:30am Overview   Once a month we gather for a full on Thai Buddhist Puja, for English speakers. This is the ceremony that is held daily in Thai temples, for all echelons of Thai society, from local towns to the Palace. It’s …

Special Events with Ajahn Sundara in Bankgok, March 2015

⊂◊⊃ Ajahn Sundara Monday 23th and Thursday 26th March Special guest for our regular sessions in Ekkamai (Monday) and Ariyasom (Thursday) Overview: Ajahn Sundara, one of the longest serving Western Buddhist nuns in the world, will be joining our regular sessions on Monday and Thursday. She is at the end of several months sabbatical in Thailand and …

Before your head splits into seven pieces

Pu came to the temple wanting to make some offerings. She had a ubiquitous yellow bucket. she was well dressed and in her mid 30s. If you want to know, at the time, she owned a small book business. In the temple she kept asking about Karma. – We always know something is up when …

Notes – final event: You Don’t Even Need Yoga Pants

〈Δ〉 Notes for talk seven in the 2014 dhamma talk series, You Don’t Even Need Yoga Pants. Each week during the Rains Retreat Series of Talks in Bangkok the notes will be published. If anything is mentioned during the session that needs clarification or links for further details, then it will be easily found. There is an old …

2014 Dhamma Talk Series: Topics

Θ THE TOPICS For Seven Mondays August-September 2014 MEDITATE BECAUSE YOU WANT TO For the general announcement, background, maps etc.. click here All these events are at DMG, Level 22 Amarin Tower. 6:30-8:15pm Monday 4th August MEDITATE BECAUSE YOU WANT TO Mindfulness and meditation are the current watchword of psychology.It comes from Buddhism, but has …

2014 Dhamma Talk Series

⊂⊃ 2014 DHAMMATALK SERIES Monday evenings August-September 6:30-8:30pm at DMG Books, Amarin Tower MEDITATE BECAUSE YOU WANT TO Overview: Are you a meditator? Are you curious about the roots of Thai culture? Do you just want to find out a little on the beguiling Thai Buddhism?  Or do you want to kick start your meditation …

Day trip to meet Ajahn Jayasaro, May 2014

° ________________________________ Trip to Pak Chong for Dhamma Talk with Ajahn Jayasaro ___________________________________ UPDATE – our vans are now full up. If you would still like to join you are welcome to enter your name in the form below and if there are enough people we can book another van. You are also welcome to come …

Ajahn Amaro at Baan Aree

Ajahn Amaro, Abbot of Wat Amaravati temple in the UK since the departure of Luang Phor Sumedho, will give a talk in English at the excellent Baan Aree (Ari BTS) on Saturday 22nd June. Ajahn Amaro is a gifted teacher and leader, which is why he was the natural figure to take on the European …

Dhamma talk/meditation with Abbots of Abhayagiri Temple

After almost a year of planning, we are happy that Ajahn Pasanno and Ajahn Amaro, joint abbots of Abhayagiri temple in California will pause their travel plans to stop and support the International Dhamma community in Bangkok. This is a special chance for us in Bangkok to meet with two such well known and respected Abbots from the Forest …

Notes on Last Talk of the Year…

Final notes on the final talk of the year in the Planet Yoga Series 2009: Hitchhiker’s Guide to Buddhism Over the last 8 weeks lots of people have been attending the Dhamma Talks at Planet Yoga. What is it that interests people? Some come from yoga groups, some from meditation groups. Some are Buddhist scholars …

Notes on the ‘Self’

Notes on ‘Welcome Back to Yourself’ Dhamma Talk, Planet Yoga September 2009 In the previous talk we had looked at the nature of ‘consciousness ‘ in Buddhism. When you see the word ‘consciousness’ it is a translation of the Pali term Vinyana (Vi`n`naana) – but it should really be called ‘cognizing’ or my own favourite …