Roadmap to Nirvana – Dhamma + Science with Woody Prieb

Nirvana, or spiritual enlightenment and liberation, is considered to be the ultimate goal of most Eastern spiritual, philosophical and metaphysical disciplines. During this talk, Woody Prieb will marry this complex and frequently misunderstood concept with modern science to offer us a common conceptual framework. To help us navigate this territory, he will share the maps …

An evening with Zen monk João Rodrigues Sensei

We are delighted to announce that on 17 June 2024,  Zen monk João Rodrigues Sensei will be leading our Monday night meditation at Baan Aree, the beautiful location so generously made available to us by the Baan Aree foundation. João Rodrigues Sensei will give a Dhamma talk and lead us in a meditation. Everyone is welcome, from beginners …

Sitting for Peace

The Little Bangkok Sangha Online is holding a Sitting for Peace meditation on Wednesday 10 April 2024 from 6.30 PM to 7 PM Bangkok time. The merit we generate will be dedicated to healing and peace – in ourselves, our communities and around the globe. We are all acutely aware of the suffering caused by …

Meditation and Dhamma Talk by Phra Pandit Bhikkhu

You are cordially invited to join us on 8 April 2024, when Phra Pandit, the founder of the Little Bangkok Sangha, will be leading the Monday night meditation at Baan Aree, the beautiful location so generously made available to us by the Baan Aree foundation. As Phra Pandit will be traveling in the coming months, this …

Monday Night Meditation with Phra Pandit Bhikkhu

Meditate with a Monk is back! Phra Pandit, the founder of the Little Bangkok Sangha, will be leading the Monday night meditation on 2 October 2023 at Baan Aree, the beautiful location so generously made available to us by the Baan Aree foundation. Everyone is welcome, from beginners to experienced meditators. We meet to support …

Aligning with the Sacred in Everyday Life with Mary Pipes

HONOURING WHAT IS WORTHY OF HONOUR—ALIGNING WITH THE SACRED IN EVERYDAY LIFE. Monday, 8 November 2021 : 06.30 pm – 20:00 pm Meeting ID: 557 713 7755   The Mangala Sutta reminds us that ‘honouring those worthy of honour’ is one of the highest blessings. At a time in our history when we are …

Article: Zen and the Corona Virus

Zen and the Corona Virus Reggie Pawle – Reggie can be contacted through the contact form on this website     What do you say to university students who are depressed and don’t see much reason for continuing to live? For some time now students at the university that I work at have said …

LBS Partner’s Event: Residential Retreat with Ajahn Sucitto in December 2019 in Bangkok

Six Day/ Night Residential Retreat with Ajahn Sucitto is scheduled to be held on December, 7 – 13, 2013. The retreat will commence on Saturday (12.07.2019) at 5 pm and conclude on Friday (12.13.2019) at noon time.  Location is Wongsanit Ashram about 50 km north and east of Don Mueang Airport on the Ongkarok Road …

Special Monday Night Meditation with the Little Bangkok Sangha in Asok- September

  Monday Night Meditation with the Little Bangkok Sangha in Asok freestyle meditation every week Suk 23 (Asoke), 6:30 – 8:00 pm _______________________________   Overview: Meditate with a Monk is back. Phra Pandit, the founder of the Little Bangkok Sangha, will be leading four Monday night meditations in September. Phra Pandit is a British monk …

Monday 16th September 2019 @ 6pm. SPECIAL EVENT: An evening with the Venerable Ani Zamba

Overview: We are delighted to announce that the Venerable Ani Zamba Chozom is going to be offering teachings to the Little Bangkok Sangha. Ani Zamba was one of the first Western women to receive full ordination as a Buddhist nun. She has studied with many of the great teachers in all three Buddhist lineages and has a …

Monday Night Meditation with the Little Bangkok Sangha in Asok – July

🙂 Monday Night Meditation with the Little Bangkok Sangha in Asok freestyle meditation every week Suk 23 (Asoke), 6:30 – 8:00 pm _______________________________   Overview: Join a friendly group for meditation every Monday night from 6.30 pm to 8.00 pm in Asok. Instruction will be given by either Phra Pandit, the British monk who created …

‘Second Sunday’ Meditator’s Meetup in Bangkok

• SECOND SUNDAY PUJA  & DHAMMA TALK with Pandit Cittasamvaro Sunday Morning 10th June   ‘SAMVEGA‘: Pandit is Going with the Flaw • Overview: The only way left to really deepen your meditation is with Puja (ทำวัตรเช้า). To once in a while pay respects to your own practice, potential and enlightened nature. It really works!  …

Zen Club #17 – Zen Prison: Zen Monastery

° Zen Club Meeting #17 Zen Prison:  Documentary & Discussion Sunday 25th March 2018 @ little Bangkok Meditation Center, Ekkamai ° We’ll be watching a documentary on Japanese prisons, and discussing the Zen monastic principles that it uses.    1:30-3:30pm at the the little Bangkok Meditation Center, Ekkamai There is no charge for this event, and no …

special event dharma talk with visiting monk

° Special Event: Dharma Talk with Ajahn Khemavaro (abbot of Wat Buddhadhamma, Sydney) 10:00 am – Noon, Saturday 3rd March 2018 @ little Bangkok Meditation Center, Ekkamai ° It’s short notice, but we find we can host Venerable Khemavaro for a dharma talk on Saturday morning – he’s flying back to Aus. in the afternoon, so …

Ajahn Tiradhammo leading Makha Puja Day @ Rojana

〈〉 Special Event for Makha Puja:  Thrs. March 1st 2018 AJAHN TIRADHAMMO    Dancing with Roses: overcoming aversion, the second hindrance 1:30-4:00pm @ Rojana Center, Asoke 〈〉 Overview: Thursday 1st March – this is a big day in the Buddhist calendar, and a national holiday Ajahn Tiradhammo is one of the most senior of the Western Buddhist …

Monkey Mind, Monkey Gone: 2x dhamma talk with Jeff Oliver

_•_ Monkey Mind, Monkey Gone practical meditation teaching with Jeff Oliver @little Bangkok Meditation Center, Ekkamai Tuesday 21st and Wesnesday 22nd Nov. Overview: Meditation retreat teacher Jeff Oliver from Australia will be in Bangkok for two evenings this November. He’s a a great speaker – interesting and informative. 7-8:30pm @ little Bangkok Meditation Center free …

Special Zen Club Event: Dhamma talk with Konin Melissa Cardenas

∇ Zen Club Special: Dhamma talk with Konin Melissa Cardenas little Bangkok Meditation Center, Ekkamai Sat. 24th June, 1:30-3:30pm Overview: This month’s Zen Club features a special guest speaker from San Francisco Zen Center   Saturday 24th June: 1:30-3:30pm, Ekkamai Center Event is free of charge – donation to visiting eacher’s travelling expenses appreciated No …

Bangkok Zen Club meeting 5 – LOVE

° Zen Club Meeting #5 The Many Faces of Zen and Love  Saturday September 24, 2016 @little Bangkok Meditation Center, Ekkamai 1-3pm at the little Bangkok Meditation Center, Ekkamai, Sat 24th There is no charge for this event, and no need to book in advance. You do not need to take anything along. ________________________________________ This month’s topic:  …

Buddhist Psycho’s: Special Event with Jake Davis

_≡_ Buddhist Psycho’s meet for special event with visiting psycho Jake Davis Free Will Free Won’t and Who’s in Control Saturday June 25th, Ekkamai 2-4pm Overview: Psychologists, Buddhists and meditators (and anyone else interested) are invited to meetup Saturday June 25th from 2-4 pm. This time we are led by a visiting honorary Buddhist Psycho, meditation teacher, Buddhist …

The Special Teaching of a Sammasambuddha – week 4 in the Course in Buddhism

«∴» Saturday 5th March Series: Sat. 13th Feb – Sat. 26th March Week 4 of the : COURSE IN THAI BUDDHISM Overview: This week we continue our exploration of Buddhism, focusing on key stories. The cosmology of Buddhism says there is only one ultimate goal; but that anyone can attain to it if they practice in the …