How to Be When You Are Sitting Zen with Reggie Pawle

The talk on 10 February will focus on the basics of Zen sitting practice. Included will be discussion of: thinking, things that are bothering you, non-thinking, receiving the facts of things as they are, imaginary thinking, and what to practice while sitting. A short essay by Kando Inoue on these topics will be the basis …

The Power of Myth with Robin Moore

You are cordially invited to join us on 20 January 2025, when our friend Robin Moore will be leading the Monday night meditation at Baan Aree, the beautiful location so generously made available to us by the Baan Aree foundation.   In this session we will explore how the stories that we tell shape how …

SONIC BOOM – what’s to be done, undone, and left behind with Pandit Bhikkhu

Details (Apologies for the short notice!) SONIC BOOM – The final event this year with Ven. Pandit Bhikkhu. For all meditators there are certain perceptions to maintain, practices to get proficient in, and certain ‘liberation’ experiences that arise along the way. Do not discount your own potential. Speaker: Venerable Pandit has been an ordained Buddhist …

Balancing the “Inner World” with the “Outer World” with Jeff Oliver

You are cordially invited to join us on 19 August 2024, when Jeff Oliver will be leading the Monday night session at Baan Aree, the beautiful location so generously made available to us by the Baan Aree foundation. We have our “inner world” of thoughts and emotions and we have our “Outer world” of people, …

Practice First, Belief System Second with Tom Sigurdson

You are invited to join us on Monday 5 August 2024 when Tom Sigurdson will be leading the Monday night meditation at Baan Aree, the beautiful location so generously made available to us by the Baan Aree foundation. The session will start at 6.30 PM. Everyone is welcome, from beginners to experienced meditators. We meet …

Roadmap to Nirvana – Dhamma + Science with Woody Prieb

Nirvana, or spiritual enlightenment and liberation, is considered to be the ultimate goal of most Eastern spiritual, philosophical and metaphysical disciplines. During this talk, Woody Prieb will marry this complex and frequently misunderstood concept with modern science to offer us a common conceptual framework. To help us navigate this territory, he will share the maps …

Mindfulness Breathing for Concentration and Self-Healing with Prema

Concentration practice is the foundation for deep meditation, where the body is steady and comfortable, and the mind is relaxed and alert. The Yogic Pranayama practice is similar to the Buddhist Anapanasati practice (mindfulness of breathing), and both are preparatory steps for concentration. Yogic Pranayama is the gaining, storing and directing of vital energy (Prana) …

Four Elements Meditation with Cynthia Schmidt

You are cordially invited to join us on 20 May 2024, when Cynthia Schmidt will be leading the Monday night meditation at Baan Aree, the beautiful location so generously made available to us by the Baan Aree foundation. When was the last time you sensed into your body through an elemental perspective? Cynthia will guide …

Meditation and Dhamma Talk by Phra Pandit Bhikkhu

You are cordially invited to join us on the first of April 2024, when Phra Pandit, the founder of the Little Bangkok Sangha, will be leading the Monday night meditation at Baan Aree, the beautiful location so generously made available to us by the Baan Aree foundation. Everyone is welcome, from beginners to experienced meditators. …

Sitting for Peace

The Little Bangkok Sangha Online is holding a Sitting for Peace meditation on Wednesday 14 February 2024 from 6.30 PM to 7 PM Bangkok time. The merit we generate will be dedicated to healing and peace – in ourselves, our communities and around the globe. We are all acutely aware of the suffering caused by …

An Introduction to Zen and Zen Meditation

You are cordially invited to join us for a talk by Zen priest Daigaku Rummé, who practiced Zen at a Japanese monastery for many years, on Monday 29 January 2024 at Baan Aree, the beautiful location so generously made available to us by the Baan Aree foundation. Everyone is welcome, from beginners to experienced meditators. …

Ajahn Medhino Teaching about an Uncertain Topic

Ajahn Medhino Bhikkhu, who has been a monk for over 30 years, will be leading the Monday night session on 27 November 2023 at Baan Aree, the beautiful location so generously made available to us by the Baan Aree Foundation. Ajahn will give a Dhamma talk about a not yet determined topic. In the forest …

Monday Night Meditation with Phra Pandit Bhikkhu

Meditate with a Monk is back! Phra Pandit, the founder of the Little Bangkok Sangha, will be leading the Monday night meditation on 16 October 2023 at Baan Aree, the beautiful location so generously made available to us by the Baan Aree foundation. Everyone is welcome, from beginners to experienced meditators. We meet to support and encourage each other in …

Awakening Wisdom: The Buddha’s Teachings of Liberation

The Little Bangkok Sangha is inviting you to a Zoom meeting on Monday 10 April 2023 from 5:30 – 07:30 PM Bangkok time. Please note that due to the time difference with Australia we start one hour earlier than we normally do. We are very pleased that Ajahn Radha accepted our invitation to give a …

Coming to Our Senses and Arriving at Equanimity with Ayyā Dhammadīpā

The Little Bangkok Sangha is inviting you to a Zoom meeting on Monday 13 March 2023 from 6:30 – 08:00 PM Bangkok time. We are very pleased that Ayyā Dhammadīpā accepted our invitation to give a Dhamma talk. She plans to discuss the Saḷāyatana Vibhaṅga Sutta which deals with the source of emotions, the use …

Mind of Beasts and the Centered Mind with Phra Pandit Bhikkhu

The Little Bangkok Sangha is inviting you to a Zoom meeting on Monday 13 February, 2023 from 6:30 – 08:00 PM Bangkok time. Getting past much of the pseudo-psychology that is modern Buddhism, this talk will be based around one of the original teachings from Shakyamuni, in which he advises “How to have a good …

The Four Thoughts that Turn the Mind to the Dharma

The Little Bangkok Sangha is inviting you to a Zoom meeting on Tuesday 15 November, 2022 from 6:30 – 08:00 PM Bangkok time. Speaker: Lama Zangmo Lama Gelongma Zangmo is the resident lama and teacher at Samye Dzong London. Lama Zangmo first became a practicing Buddhist when she arrived from Denmark at Kagyu Samye Ling …