How to Be When You Are Sitting Zen with Reggie Pawle

The talk on 10 February will focus on the basics of Zen sitting practice. Included will be discussion of: thinking, things that are bothering you, non-thinking, receiving the facts of things as they are, imaginary thinking, and what to practice while sitting. A short essay by Kando Inoue on these topics will be the basis …

SONIC BOOM – what’s to be done, undone, and left behind with Pandit Bhikkhu

Details (Apologies for the short notice!) SONIC BOOM – The final event this year with Ven. Pandit Bhikkhu. For all meditators there are certain perceptions to maintain, practices to get proficient in, and certain ‘liberation’ experiences that arise along the way. Do not discount your own potential. Speaker: Venerable Pandit has been an ordained Buddhist …

Balancing the “Inner World” with the “Outer World” with Jeff Oliver

You are cordially invited to join us on 19 August 2024, when Jeff Oliver will be leading the Monday night session at Baan Aree, the beautiful location so generously made available to us by the Baan Aree foundation. We have our “inner world” of thoughts and emotions and we have our “Outer world” of people, …

Practice First, Belief System Second with Tom Sigurdson

You are invited to join us on Monday 5 August 2024 when Tom Sigurdson will be leading the Monday night meditation at Baan Aree, the beautiful location so generously made available to us by the Baan Aree foundation. The session will start at 6.30 PM. Everyone is welcome, from beginners to experienced meditators. We meet …

An evening with Zen monk João Rodrigues Sensei

We are delighted to announce that on 17 June 2024,  Zen monk João Rodrigues Sensei will be leading our Monday night meditation at Baan Aree, the beautiful location so generously made available to us by the Baan Aree foundation. João Rodrigues Sensei will give a Dhamma talk and lead us in a meditation. Everyone is welcome, from beginners …

SPECIAL EVENT: An Evening with Ajahn Jutindharo

6:30-8:00 pm @ Rojana Center, Asoke Monday 28th January   Another special Monday evening to end the month! 6.30 pm to 8 pm Rojana Centre, Asoke. Please arrive by 6.15pm so you are seated by the time Ajahn Jutindharo arrives. Overview: Monday 28th January We are ending the month of January with a Dhamma talk and …

Meditation for Challenging Times: ‘perfections’ continued

Meditation for Challenging Times • Paramis: Nekkhamma (Renunciation/Simplifying) Arrive from 1pm onwards for 1.30-3.30pm  Sunday 11th November 2018  ______________________________ Topic: Living the Dhamma in the World – The Path of the Paramis 3: Nekkhamma  Renunciation – A Practice of Simplifying “It is wisdom that enables letting go of a lesser happiness in pursuit of a happiness which is greater.”  …

Buddhist Psycho’s : The Buddha and the Ego – April 1st (no joke!)

• Buddhist Psychos are back Saturday 1st April 1:00-3:00pm • THE BUDDHA AND THE EGO • Overview: Psychologists, Buddhists and meditators (and anyone else interested) are invited to join the discussion Saturday 1st April from 1-3 pm. This is a totally informal group, and we do not profess to be experts! 1:00 pm meet at the Rojana Dhamma Center, …

Buddhist Psycho’s – with Dr Georges Dreyfus

• Buddhist Psychos are back Saturday 7th January 1:30-3:30pm • IS EGOLESSNESS A PATHOLOGICAL STATE? with Dr Georges Drefus • Overview: Psychologists, Buddhists, meditators and absolutely anyone else is  invited to join this special event with Dr Georges. Many regulars in Bangkok know him from a popular ‘Course in Indian Buddhism‘ he taught for us in 2016. 1:30 …

Buddhist Psycho’s: Special Event with Jake Davis

_≡_ Buddhist Psycho’s meet for special event with visiting psycho Jake Davis Free Will Free Won’t and Who’s in Control Saturday June 25th, Ekkamai 2-4pm Overview: Psychologists, Buddhists and meditators (and anyone else interested) are invited to meetup Saturday June 25th from 2-4 pm. This time we are led by a visiting honorary Buddhist Psycho, meditation teacher, Buddhist …

Discussion meetup – Alice in Wonderland

Φ Alice in Wonderland Buddhist Psycho Meeting Wednesday May 13 12:30-3:00pm Overview: Psychologists, Buddhists and meditators (and anyone else interested) are invited to join the Alice in Wonderland discussion. 12:30-3:00pm at ‘Apartments’ Meditation Studio, Ekkamai There is no charge and no need to book. ‘Buddhist Psychos’ was started by the late Dr Holly Dugan, a …

The Monkey or the Mind – Buddhist Psycho’s meet Sat 18th October

Φ The Monkey or the Mind Buddhist Psycho Meeting Saturday 18th October 12:30-2:00pm Overview: Psychologists, Buddhists and meditators (and anyone else interested) are invited to join ‘The Monkey or the Mind’ discussion Saturday 18th October. 12:30-2:00pm at PSG Penthouse, near Nana BTS There is no charge and no need to book. ‘Buddhist Psychos’ was started …

Buddhist Psycho’s meeting – Suffering in Buddhism and Psychology

∞ SUFFERING The Buddhist vs the Psychological Viewpoint ∞ Saturday 23rd August 12-2:30pm Continuing the tradition for artful cappuccino discussions relating to Buddhism and Psychology (or any other topic we fancy) all ‘Buddhist Psychos’ are invited to meet, caffeinate and trade ideas on Saturday 23rd August at Sandeep’s spacious apartment. You don’t need to book in advance and …