Special Event:
Puja and Dhamma Talk
for Songkran Festival 2018, Bangkok

10:00 am – Noon, Sunday 15th April 2018
@ little Bangkok Meditation Center, Ekkamai

The world’s biggest non-violent fight, staged yearly in Thailand; with water the only weapon!

But there is more to Songkran that splashing water. Temples across the country will hold water pouring ceremonies – though somewhat more decorously than the street level battles. There is auspicioius chanting and food offerings to Sangha.

You are invited to our own water festival this year. The rituals will be drier, and explained in plain English. 

Water holds a special role in Buddhism (and other traditions) as a symbol of the mind. But different kinds of water illustrate different states of mind. These are encapsulated in a variety of Water Suttas – stories using the water motif to elucidate dharma.  


  • 9:45 m-noon at the the little Bangkok Meditation Center, Ekkamai
  • There is no charge for this event, and no need to book in advance.
  • You do not need to bring anything along. We’re all ready for you!


elephants sonkran water festival
    • 9:45 gather at our little Bangkok Meditation Center, Ekkamai
    • 10:15 Puja
    • 10:30 Dharma Talk on The Water Suttas with Pandit Bhikkhu
    • 11:20 Water pouring ceremony
    • 11:40 Feed a monk – rice alms offering (provided)
    • 11:50 finish


Speaker is Pandit bhikkhu – organiser of the little Bangkok Sangha, and resident in Bangkok for 17 years (21 years in Thailand); ordained as a Buddhist ‘Bhikkhu’ (monk) since 1996, with special interests in the motifs of myths and story telling, Psychology and, of course, Buddhism.



Until 1940 Songkran marked the official New Year of the Thai calendar, and was celebrated, sanuk style, with chucking water over each other. Fortunately – you are not allowed to throw water over monks (though some of us won’t venture out just in case). But we do have a tame and civilised equivalent, where you pour the water over the monks hands. (I found out the hard way this is not adhered to in Chiang Mai!).

While the water throwing is what grabs your attention, this time of the year is also used to pay respect to elders, parents, grandparents, teachers and even neighbours. The monks especially keep this aspect of the tradition alive, and usually go travelling to meet with their Uppajaya (the monk who gave them ordination) to pay respects.




‘APARTMENTS’ Meditation Centre

The center is a 4 minute walk from Ekkamai BTS Station.

We are 9/37 Thana Aket, Ekkamai Sukhumvit 63.

Enter Ekkamai (Sukhumvit Soi 63). Turn left into the second soi (lane). Bourbon street restaurant is on the corner. We’re the third building on the right, in the ‘APARTMENTS‘ building. Go up to the top floor. See the excellent map – it is very precise!little-bangkok-meditation-center-ekkamai

Video Channel for the group is here

facebook group is here

Meetup Group is here