Saturday 20th February
Series: Sat. 13th Feb – Sat. 26th March
Week 2 of the :
Second in the Buddhism Course Series – this week: Buddhism, Animism and Superstition.

Animist practices are everywhere in Thailand, from ghosts to Spirit Houses, to believing certain deceased monks can still give you healing or make your business grow. Are these beliefs conversant with Buddhism?
Further, there are all kinds of behaviours (both good and bad) you can see in Thai monks. The actual rules the monks follow though, might surprise you. There is no rule against smoking cigarettes, but there is a rule against owning a needle case made from bone. Interesting!
Hopefully some of these paradoxes will be explained.
Full Course Details:
You can see the full details for this course by clicking here.
There is a one-time course fee of 200 baht. Each week covers a different topic (topics all listed on the main announcement), so you are still free to join in.
The course is academic in approach, rather than religious. We want to understand the thinking and philosophy behind both Buddhism and Thai culture, which are of course, intimately linked.
this week we’ll stick to the schedule precisely.
Saturday morning, 20th February
- 9:45am Meet at the Rojana Center
- 10-11am talk on Buddhism, Animism and Superstition
- 11-11:30 Questions
- 11:30 finish (promptly)

Gatherings are at the beautiful, and spacious Rojana Center, Sukhumvit 23
full map, GPS and directions are on the main announcement here.