
Sunday 15th September
with Special Guest

Bhikkhuni Santussika

 The Mystic Path – common to all religions?

At Ariyasom Villa, Sukhumvit Soi 1
free of charge, no reservation required

‘Cappuccino Club’ 

Eschewing the usual Dhamma Talk format, sometimes we like to meet for a more open discussion of the principles of Buddhism and meditation as they relate to ‘real’ life – how we deal as humans with the various issues of daily life.  Topics can be anything, so feel free to suggest a topic yourself. We meet for coffee, chat and gentle philosophising on what it means to bring the lofty ideas of Buddhism into practical living. 

You don’t have to be an expert in anything except staying alive – so feel free to come along and join in. Try to do the ‘homework’ (below) first though, so we have a launch point for discussion.

Topic: The Mystic Path – common to all religions?

Religions the world over have their exoteric side – the common beliefs of the common people. They have a esoteric or mystic side also – teachings for those ‘desert fathers’ who withdrae from society and undertake austere practises aimed at a special spiritual goal.

Christianity as teachings such as the Cloud of Unknowing, or the works of the Catholic teacher St. Teresa d’Avila and St. John of the Cross. There are the Desert Fathers and the Philokalia. Many Sufi teachers from Islam and Indian gurus reputed to be enlightened are also available  to us though their varied teachings. Anyone for Kabbalah – the esoteric teaching in Judaism?

Are these all ‘Fingers Pointing at the Moon’ or are they leading in different directions?

Special Guest

Ven Bhikkhu Bodhi - Ayya Santussika LA Walk 2012

Bhikkhuni Santussika was born in the United States, near Chicago, and spent some years training for a Master of Divinity degree, awarded in 2002. She later committed to the Buddhist teaching, culminating in ordination as a Bhikkhuni (ordained Nun) in the Theravada lineage. Currently, she lives and teaches at Karuna Buddhist Vihara in Millbrae, California (www.KarunaBV.org). She also lectures, teaches retreats, and offers spiritual counseling outside the monastery upon request. She serves on the Board for Buddhist Global Relief (www.buddhistglobalrelief.org), a charitable organization focused on relieving chronic hunger and malnutrition and their causes.


Sunday 15th September
Kindly hosted by the beautiful Ariyasom Villa Boutique Hotel 

  • 12:30 – get your cappuccinos, and if you have earned some calorie credits by walking to the venue, maybe some of Ariyasom’s awesome home made desserts!
  • 1:00-3:00 Discussion (no ordering of food/drink at this time)


Library of Ariaysom Villa hotel and vegetarian restaurant at the end of Sukhumvit Soi 1. It is an 8 minute walk from Ploen Chit BTS, or you can take a motorcycle from the entrance to Sukhumvit Soi 1.