Lunch and movie/discussion on the role of the Guru
Particular focus on the always colourful, and usually controversial Indian Guru OSHO
Do You Guru?
at the Tai Pan Hotel, Suk 23
Saturday April 23rd
We’re back to the Tai Pan for a lunch/movie date – this used to be a regular feature, what happened ???
The Tai Pan has its famous 250 baht Buffet which has lots of choice – soup, bread, big salad bar, order-your-own-pizza, and the usual rice/curries. Arrive anytime between 11am and 12. Straight after lunch we go up to the meeting room on level 5 for a series of short films on the interesting, inspiring, controversial Indian guru figure OSHO – discussing the role of the guru, whether Osho was the real deal or a fake, why people follow gurus, and whether we need them … and whatever else crops up.
The video clips presented will introduce some of Osho’s teaching, both the inspiring and the controversial.
The aim is to meet some of the other people, get to know each other a bit, and give chance for everyone to join in more than you are able during Dhamma talks and meditation.
Everyone is welcome – don’t worry that you don’t know anyone, meeting the other faces is the whole idea…..
Clifton and Tej, both of whom know Osho’s works quite well, sent the following summary:
On April 23, you are invited to view a few short videos and participate in a general discussion of the contemporary mystic, Osho, formerly known as Shree Rajneesh Bhagwan. He taught a spiritual philosophy that combined Buddhism, Jainism, Hinduism, Taoism and Christianity, as well as many other philosophic and religious traditions, humanistic psychology, Greek philosophy, and forms of therapy and meditation. A few of his lectures include sayings like,
“For thirty two years I have been absolutely nothing; God is not a solution, but a problem; My God! There is no God (God is the greatest lie invented by man); Anyone who gives you a belief system is your enemy; Love is authentic only if it gives freedom.”
Even though he died in 1990, his movement continues, worldwide. At its peak, the movement had about 200,000 members and 600 centers around the world.
11-12 come for lunch
1pm go up to the meeting room level 5
1-4pm videos, discussion
4pm ish, finish.
You are welcome to come just for the lunch, just for the films, or both as you like (better to join both of course 🙂 )
Lunch is 250 baht – but if you pay through the group we should get a 10% discount which we can put to the room hire cost.
Hire charge for the meeting room is 2500 baht total, including projector. divided among all of us that is not much per person …
Goto Asoke BTS or Underground line. Walk East and go down Sukhumvit 23 for 336 meters (thanks Google Earth). Turn left into the Tai Pan Hotel. Restaurant is on the ground floor as you enter the building. Make sure you come to say hello and join the group!
Extra background on OSHO
The official OSHO website is here:
But more multi media on him here:
Osho or Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh was born in 1931 in Central India. He was a charismatic and gifted speaker who became the leader of a worldwide new spiritual movement. It is said that at the age of 21 he attained enlightenment or Samadhi. At the time he was studying philosophy at the University of Sagar. On receiving a masters degree he taught philosophy at the University of Jabalpur for nine years. During his early years as a Teacher, he traveled extensively throughout India and gave many public lectures on various topics relating to spirituality. Eventually, his disciples set up an ashram in Pune, where he taught and lived.
He was no stranger to media attention, as he spoke freely on the topics that were generally considered taboo (Sex, Death, Drugs, Politics etc.). In the early 1980s, when he moved to America, he and his disciples had created and set up a commune in Wasco County, Oregon where the construction of the commune “Rajneeshpuram” proved to be a controversial issue. It resulted in arguments over zoning rules and building codes between his followers and the residents of Wasco County and eventually, with the rest of the State.
There was a clash of cultures and the inhabitants felt threatened by the influx of his devotees. Some of his followers and close disciples were accused of being involved in several illegal activities like spreading salmonella at a local restaurant. Allegations of murder were also made on them, and some disciples were arrested and charged by the US officials, and consequently, the commune was disbanded and closed down by the US officials. Osho and some of his disciples were also charged with violation of immigration laws, and were consequently deported.
The commune in America also attracted a lot of attention with its large collection of over 90 Rolls Royce automobiles, and expensive watches that were presented to Osho as gifts. According to Osho, these gifts were legally owned by the commune, and he had no personal/legal ownership of the property and/or any finances of the communes.
He spent the later years of his life in the Pune commune, India, which still exists and is functioning as the “Osho International Meditation Resort“.
His teachings emphasizes the importance of meditation, awareness, love, celebration, creativity, expression and humor. He did not give much emphasis on Morality, as meditation and consciousness was what he gave importance to as the key for responding appropriately to life’s situations.
He is paradoxically also referred to as ‘Master of Freedom’ by his friends and disciples. Having spoken on the subject of existentialism and their authorities, he has mentioned that the logical conclusion of existentialism and atheism was madness, self-destruction, or suicide. He stressed that without meditation, there was no hope for an existentialist or an atheist. On that note, he called himself a true existentialist, or a spiritual existentialist.
Osho was never shy of sharing his uncompromising insights regarding the vested interests of those who were in control of our social, political, and religious affairs and structures. He is indeed a controversial figure and was certainly a threat to the status quo.
I saw a documentary on Osho once – the place in the US had its own police, fire and hospital services. And built in the middle of the Bible Belt too… nuts.
I get him mixed up with the Beatles guy .. And then there’s Sai
Baba and others. Are Gurus still relevant?
Yes I caught the mistake – but those of you on subsctiption email notices will get the first version with the wrong date in the URL.
Thanks for pointing it out though – I often miss the mistakes. 🙂
Date inadvertently placed as March 23 instead of April 23. Please amend. Noted, shall try to attend it.
That raises the question of exactly what is a Guru? In the Tibetan tradition there is Guru Yoga where you are supposed to view your teacher as a living Arahant, if not a Buddha. But that is more a case of respecting an ideal, within your teacher and yourself, as a skillful practice.
It is probably not the same thing as the Hindu Guru/Avatars who are considered to be incarnations of God, and attract mass followings.
The role of the teacher vs guru, and the issue of following charismatic figures are all good topics for the discussion!
The Non-self point – it means that there is no permanent, unchanging Atman; not that there is no self of any kind. We have characteristics.
‘Are gurus relevant?’
I work with a guru. I’m lucky to have direct contact, and he’ll talk with me over skype or email when I ask.
He has a relatively small following which allows a lot of personal individual work with people who show commitment to the path.
Without his input I’d be just listening to different aspects of myself all the time. And apparently I don’t exist, so who are you going to trust really!?
I’ll be there with bells on.
Cool. See you there. I’m actually interested in how relevant Gurus are these days. 20 years ago they were still the ‘thing’. But it seems people are after something more grounded these days (Buddhism?). Or is that just because of where I am?
I think of religion and spirituality as very separate ideas with very little in common. Religions have traditions that are supported by proselytizing or specifically indoctrinated clergy. Spiritual experiences need to be explained by spontaneous Guru style advocates. We will have to see if the discussion followes this tract.
Sooo sorry I cannot make it zoo-daze. I have a biz appt with the Miracle Man at his sanctuary. Master Pandit, what an exquisite choice you made for zoo-daze: the film, the discussion, etc. Too bad the event is not being videotaped. PERHAPS YOU CAN GIVE A SECOND SHOWING NEXT MONTH? What a wonderful idea. To the dance, Richard
Next one is on ‘Creativity’ – but have to see how much interest there is in this format. Certainly we had some great events at the Tai Pan – Marjoe was fabulous. Good luck with the Miracle Man!