Final messages

A warming comment from Piper, two months after the passing away of her mother, and our friend, Dr Holly:

Comment: I am Piper, Dr. Holly’s daughter.

I would like you all to know that your celebration of my mother’s life a month after her passing, and the sprinkling of her ashes did not go unnoticed.

I spent almost 50 years with Dr. Holly as my mother. We loved each other and disagreed about many things. She was old, I was young… and then I was old and she was young. We both loved horses. She cats, me dogs. She the city, me the country. She was messy, and I throw everything away. We always looked like clones. I thought she was the funniest and most well read women I had ever met, and I quote her all the time as if she were still here. I will miss my Mom forever.

I think we both agree that you are some of the most special people in the world. I hope to get there some day.

Love to Pandit and all of you,
