Seminar on Non-Violence

You are cordially invited for the Seminar on

“Social Harmony through Non-violence (Ahimsa)”

Organized by

Centre for Bharat Studies, Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of
Asia (RILCA), Mahidol University

in collaboration with

International School for Jain Studies (ISJS)


Sanskrit Studies Centre, Silpakorn University

Date: Friday, 1st October 2010

Duration: 8.30a.m.-12.45 p.m.

Venue: The Conference Room, 2nd Floor, RILCA   (earlier known as ILCRD as
marked on the map below), Mahidol University

We would highly appreciate if you could kindly confirm attendance before Friday, 24th September 2010 by e-mail
so as to help us in making necessary arrangements.

Kindly circulate this Invitation to your contacts who may be interested in
this Seminar on the concept of Non-violence.

Pramod M. Jain
Chairman, ISSJS Thailand Academic & Governing Council

( Mobile#: 081-8211739 )



8:30-9.00 a.m.                Registration of participants

9.05-9.10 a.m.                Welcome speech by Associate Prof. Duanporn, Khamnunwatana,   Director, RILCA, Mahidol University

9.10-9.15 a.m.                Introductory Remark by Dr. Sophana Srichampa

9.15-9.35 am                  Inaugural Address by  Hon’ble Ambassador of India, H. E. Pinak Ranjan Chakravarty

9.35-9.45 a.m.                Group photos of the guests.

9.45-10.00 a.m.              Break

10.00-10.30 a.m.            Non-violence concept by Dr. Khothom Ariya

10.30- 12.00                   How to solve the social problems  through non-violence? By    

  •  – Bikkhuni Dhammananda
  •  – Dr. Shugan Jain,
    Chairman-ASJS, India
  •  – Ms. Renuka Narayan,
    Director-Indian Culture Center, Bangkok

                                      MC: Mr. Savior B. Vila

12.00-12.30 p.m.            Q&A

12.30-12.40 p.m.            Vote of Thanks by Mr. Savior B. Vila

As you may know that more the society develops, more the conflicts increase
continuously, often leading to tension and violence. Finally if the violence
persists, it leads to the war as witnessed in our history of mankind.

         In Thai society, people do not know clearly what the accurate
meaning of NON-VIOLENCE (AHIMSA) is although there are teachings in many
religions and examples from some outstanding world leaders such as Mahatma
Gandhi people referred to. His way of Ahimsa is therefore often
misunderstood and acted wrongly. That is why the conflicts always end up
with violence and losses which should not occur in a country of Buddhists,
like in Thailand and anywhere in the world.

         Therefore, on the occasion of Gandhi’s birthday as the
International Day of Non-violence on 2nd October, as declared by the UN, the
Centre for Bharat Studies, Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of
Asia in collaboration with International School for Jain Studies (ISJS) and
Sanskrit Studies Centre, Silpakorn University will organize a seminar on
“Social Harmony through Non-violence (Ahimsa)” on Friday, 1st October, 2010
for creating public awareness and dissemination of  the right concept of
Non-violence to the public to show how it can help solve the conflicts for
social harmony through Non-violence (Ahimsa) from various perspectives.



  1. To make people understand the real concept of NON-VIOLENCE
  2. To share the experience and knowledge how to solve the conflicts
    through NON-VIOLENCE
  3. To promote the social harmony through NON-VIOLENCE