Balancing the “Inner World” with the “Outer World” with Jeff Oliver

You are cordially invited to join us on 19 August 2024, when Jeff Oliver will be leading the Monday night session at Baan Aree, the beautiful location so generously made available to us by the Baan Aree foundation. We have our “inner world” of thoughts and emotions and we have our “Outer world” of people, …

Buddhist Psycho’s – with Dr Georges Dreyfus

• Buddhist Psychos are back Saturday 7th January 1:30-3:30pm • IS EGOLESSNESS A PATHOLOGICAL STATE? with Dr Georges Drefus • Overview: Psychologists, Buddhists, meditators and absolutely anyone else is  invited to join this special event with Dr Georges. Many regulars in Bangkok know him from a popular ‘Course in Indian Buddhism‘ he taught for us in 2016. 1:30 …