Tibetan Monk Visit

Tibetan Monk Ven. Latri Khenpo Geshe Nyima Dakpa Rinpoche will be in Thailand conducting a series of events organised by the Thousand Stars Foundation (a Thai group dedicated to Tibetan style Buddhism). Events will be conducted in English with Thai translation. Remember to contact the organisation to double check dates as things do change sometimes… the schedule will be as follows: 


Saturday 25- Sunday 26 September 2010 


“Great Offerings for Compassion and Happiness”
Kundrol Ling, Hua-Hin ; Kaeng Krajan Reservoir, Petchaburi“
5000 Offerings to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, long-life empowerment and yangbod fortune-bestowing ceremony; releasing 100,000 fishes and attending talks to cultivate compassion and happiness. 

Tuesday 28 September 2010 

18.30-20.30 hrs.
“How to generate the mind of enlightenment”
Thousand Stars Foundation House
Although our life is full of suffering, there is a way to liberate from it. That way is called “Way of Enlightenment,” which starts here and now. 

Wednesday 29 September 2010 

18.30-20.30 hrs.
“Transform living into Practice”
Thousand Stars Foundation House
Each day we are doing a lot of activities. Many of us often say that they do not have time for practice. With a new perspective, we can transform ordinary actions in everyday living into spiritual progress. 

Thursday 30 September 2010

17.30-20.00 hrs.
“Meditation on Impermence and Death”
Buddhadasa Insapanno Archives
Realizing that change is ordinary and death is near us will help us live our lives in a more meaningful way and help us prepare for death. Rinpoche will advise on how we should face changes and death, and guide us on impermanence and death meditation. 

Saturday 2 October 2010 

15.00-17.00 hrs.
“Happiness from Dzogchen Perspective”
This talk is part of the conference on “Happiness and Spirituality”
Room 105, Chulalongkorn, Chulalongkorn University
Dzogchen teaches us to be free from self-clinging and dualistic views. It helps us see things the way they are, without fabrication or conceptualization. This kind of attitude leads to the innermost level of happiness. Held at Chumpot-Pantip Conference Room, 4th Floor, Prachadipok-Rambaibarni Building. It is located near the Faculty of Economics. Building 74 on the map:. Click to enlarge


 About the Speaker: 

Ven. Latri Khenpo Geshe Nyima Dakpa Rinpoche has established numerous Dharma centers in the Yungtrung Bön lineage in countries such as the US, Poland, Russia, and Belarus. He is the abbot of the Latri Monastery in Tibet. Nyima Dakpa Rinpoche grew up among the Tibetan exile community in Nepal. He is the son of a famous lama from eastern Tibet. In his youth he spent his life as do most other Tibetan boys in the exile community, and when he grew up he became ordained as a monk at Menri Monastery in India under the tutelage of the 33rd Abbot of the Monastery there. He stayed there until he graduated with the highest monastic degree of “Geshe”, which is equivalent to the Ph.D. in western universities. Rinpoche has a keen interest in preserving the ancient Tibetan wisdom, and has set up the “Bon Children House” in India to help Tibetan children in exile. He has been invited to give teachings to many places around the world, and he has been invited by the Thousand Stars Foundation to Thailand many times already. Among the topics he is usually invited to teach are Dzogchen, Tibetan art of Healing, Mind Training, Dakini Training, as well as practice of the Medicine Buddha. Nyima Dakpa Rinpoche is a leading spiritual master in the world today. His book, Opening the Door to Bön, has been translated into many languages. 

Map to Thousand Stars Foundation House


Note: All events are free of charge. Your contributions or donations for organizaing expenses or Rinpoche’s traveling expenses will be greatly appreciated.
Email: 1000tara@gmail.com; Mobile: 0806100770
More detail: http://krisadawan.wordpress.com; http://www.thousand-stars.org;
http://www.facebook.com/Thousand Stars Foundation