short course in Early Buddhist Teachings

Saturdays 1-3pm @ Rojana Center, Suk 23


You all have ideas about Buddhism; what makes ‘good’ or ‘bad’ monks, what the Buddha would say about the government, materialism, and every other topic.

What the historical Buddha actually taught, might well surprise you.

The course is going well so far – we are continuing ahead as planned, but please wear dark colours or white to respect Thailand’s mouring period.

Click below for pictures of the course so far:

original buddhism course, bangkok thailand with pandit Bhikkhu

Well, there was no Youtube 2500 years ago, but there was a fantastically accurate recording system nonetheless, expressed in the ‘sutta’ threads. These are the Early Buddhist Texts – the closest we can come to the actual teachings of the Buddha.  They are bewildering and logical, other-worldly and practical, and never quite what you expect.

You don’t have to be Buddhist. Your interest might be academic, might come from scratching your head about Thai culture, or come from meditation experiences. These texts will be presented in an accessible manner. Come for all five weeks, and be informed!

There is a one time 100 baht fee, that covers all five classes (funds to towards a new wireless microphone and video camera so that the events can be properly recorded.)


In This Course

  • you will gain a good overview of how the historical Buddha actually taught
  • understand how the teachings were recorded
  • start to distinguish between New Age ideas, and classical Buddhist thinking
  • develop a new way of looking at yourself and the world
  • gain a deeper understanding of Thai culture
  • see where later Mahayana Buddhist ideas stemmed from
  • and much more

All classes are 1-3pm. Come early for refreshments and meet a few of the interesting expats we have in Bangkok!


The Class Schedule

 thai-pattern Saturday 1st October
Ariyapariyesana Sutta: one of the Buddha’s own accounts of his personal search and spiritual battle leading to final realization of nibbana.
 thai-pattern Saturday 8th October
Adittapariyaya Sutta: The Fire Sermon – one of the very earliest teachings given to the ‘fire ascetics’ of India, outlining a key teaching that became the essence of all schools of Buddhism. LINK TO THE TEXT
 thai-pattern Saturday 15th October
Double bill – Dvedavitakka Sutta and Vitakkasanthana Sutta – these two teachings show the eminently practical side of the Buddha’s teaching, outlining an incisive way to relate to your own thoughts and thinking.
 thai-pattern Saturday 22nd October
Sakkapanha Sutta – westerners concentrate on practical teachings, but to know Buddhism, you really need to acknowledge the great mythological side of it – this is the Sutta where the Buddha meets God!
 thai-pattern Saturday 29th October
Mahadukkhakhanda Sutta – pre-modern American culture taught to follow dreams, to strive and struggle for what you want. The Buddha had different ideas on the nature of sense desire. We’ll also embellish with the teaching of the Buddha to Potalia, who fancied himself as a lay-renunciate.


The Speaker

pandit-monk-thailand   Presenting the course is the little Bangkok Sangha organiser Pandit Bhikkhu – a british born monk, ordained in 1996 in Thailand. He finished a degree in psychology, and one day will finish his Masters Thesis in Buddhist Studies, at Mahaculalongkorn University.

You are guaranteed crisp clear English, and a light hearted approach to this deep topic. Some past talks of Pandit Bhikkhu are on the Youtube Channel here.



  Events are offered in the Rojana Center, Sukhumvit 23. There is lots of space, and refreshments on offer to everyone who comes a little early to meet and chat.

The Rojana Center is on Sukhumvit 21 Soi 1 – or you can more easily get there from Sukhumvit 23. It is an 11 minute walk from Asoke BTS and MRT stations. Best to cross over Asoke Raod by the skywalk from the BTS station – it will save you much time!

  Easiest is to take a motorcycle from the entrance to Soi 23 – the motorcycle drivers mostly know where the Rojana Center is.

You can open the location in Google Maps, or other mapping app, here.



What’s left? Come join.

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