Continuing our aim to bring Buddhism, dhamma, mindfulness and meditation to Bangkok in English :-
Thursday evening 9th May
Bhikkhuni Ani Choying
Lessons from the Mountain
We will welcome Bhikkhuni Ani Choying in Bangkok for a few days. It is a special chance to meet with ordained women in Buddhism, which traditionally has been patriarchal. We have asked her to share some of her experiences and the lessons learned from the mountains of Nepal where she spent the last 15 years as a Tibetan Nun. She has a very warm and colloquial style, and is great company.
Born in Detroit in November 1943, Ani moved to the UK in her early thirties, and stayed there for 25 years. She studied fine arts at St Martins School of Arts, and gained a degree in Education, and a Masters in Education and Psychology from Easter Michegan University before specializing in teaching and counselling emotionally disturbed children, and other therapeutic psychology departments. She spent some time as an artist and a writer, publishing several children’s books.
Ani ordained in 1998 in the Samye Ling monastery in Scotland with Lama Yeshe and Akong Rinpoche in the Kagyu lineage. In 2000 she ordained withKyaje Trushik Rimpoche in the Nyingmapa tradition in Nepal, as a 39 precept nun. In 2008 she took full ordination in Taiwan. Her time in the mountains, which began around 1995, was spent mostly inĀ Samten Dechen Choeling temple in the lieneage of Kyabje Trulshik Rinpoche.
Thursday evening, 9th May
Kindly hosted by the beautiful Ariyasom Villa Boutique HotelĀ
- 6:30pm Arrive, refreshments in the Library
- 7:00pm Go up to the Dharma Hall for Talk and Q&A
- 8:15pm Finish.
Ariaysom Villa is a 24 room hotel and (great) vegetarian restaurant at the end of Sukhumvit Soi 1. It is an 8 minute walk from Phrom Phong BTS, or you can take a motorcycle from the entrance to Sukhumvit Soi 1.