Dharma Circle at Baan Aree

The Little Bangkok Sangha is happy to announce the next meeting of the Dharma Circle, a series of in-person meetings at Baan Aree, the beautiful location so generously made available to us by the Baan Aree foundation. The meeting will be held on Monday 27 January 2025 from 06:30 – 8.00 PM Bangkok time. We will be …

Mindfulness in Motion : An Introduction to Mahasati Meditation by Phra Pele

We are delighted to welcome Phra Kittikhun Katavanno (Phra Pele) for an evening of teachings on Monday 16 December at Baan Aree, the beautiful location so generously made available to us by the Baan Aree Foundation. This will be the last Monday evening session of 2024. We will be back on Monday 6 January 2025. Phra …

Roadmap to Nirvana – Dhamma + Science with Woody Prieb

Nirvana, or spiritual enlightenment and liberation, is considered to be the ultimate goal of most Eastern spiritual, philosophical and metaphysical disciplines. During this talk, Woody Prieb will marry this complex and frequently misunderstood concept with modern science to offer us a common conceptual framework. To help us navigate this territory, he will share the maps …

Mindfulness Breathing for Concentration and Self-Healing with Prema

Concentration practice is the foundation for deep meditation, where the body is steady and comfortable, and the mind is relaxed and alert. The Yogic Pranayama practice is similar to the Buddhist Anapanasati practice (mindfulness of breathing), and both are preparatory steps for concentration. Yogic Pranayama is the gaining, storing and directing of vital energy (Prana) …

Meditation and Dhamma Talk by Phra Pandit Bhikkhu

You are cordially invited to join us on the first of April 2024, when Phra Pandit, the founder of the Little Bangkok Sangha, will be leading the Monday night meditation at Baan Aree, the beautiful location so generously made available to us by the Baan Aree foundation. Everyone is welcome, from beginners to experienced meditators. …

Sitting for Peace

The Little Bangkok Sangha Online is holding a Sitting for Peace meditation on Wednesday 14 February 2024 from 6.30 PM to 7 PM Bangkok time. The merit we generate will be dedicated to healing and peace – in ourselves, our communities and around the globe. We are all acutely aware of the suffering caused by …

Residential Retreat with Ajahn Succito

The Bangkok Vipassana Retreat, in collaboration with the Little Bangkok Sangha, will host Luang Por Sucitto for a short residential retreat near Bangkok on 8-12 December. Please see details here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/bangkokvipassanaretreat/permalink/6279584402095626/ On that Facebook page you will also find information about the cost of participation. The amount given below is a rough estimate.

Ajahn Medhino Teaching about an Uncertain Topic

Ajahn Medhino Bhikkhu, who has been a monk for over 30 years, will be leading the Monday night session on 27 November 2023 at Baan Aree, the beautiful location so generously made available to us by the Baan Aree Foundation. Ajahn will give a Dhamma talk about a not yet determined topic. In the forest …

Monday Night Meditation with Phra Pandit Bhikkhu

Meditate with a Monk is back! Phra Pandit, the founder of the Little Bangkok Sangha, will be leading the Monday night meditation on 16 October 2023 at Baan Aree, the beautiful location so generously made available to us by the Baan Aree foundation. Everyone is welcome, from beginners to experienced meditators. We meet to support and encourage each other in …

Monday Night Meditation with Phra Pandit Bhikkhu

Meditate with a Monk is back! Phra Pandit, the founder of the Little Bangkok Sangha, will be leading the Monday night meditation on 2 October 2023 at Baan Aree, the beautiful location so generously made available to us by the Baan Aree foundation. Everyone is welcome, from beginners to experienced meditators. We meet to support …

Awakening Wisdom: The Buddha’s Teachings of Liberation

The Little Bangkok Sangha is inviting you to a Zoom meeting on Monday 10 April 2023 from 5:30 – 07:30 PM Bangkok time. Please note that due to the time difference with Australia we start one hour earlier than we normally do. We are very pleased that Ajahn Radha accepted our invitation to give a …

The Four Thoughts that Turn the Mind to the Dharma

The Little Bangkok Sangha is inviting you to a Zoom meeting on Tuesday 15 November, 2022 from 6:30 – 08:00 PM Bangkok time. Speaker: Lama Zangmo Lama Gelongma Zangmo is the resident lama and teacher at Samye Dzong London. Lama Zangmo first became a practicing Buddhist when she arrived from Denmark at Kagyu Samye Ling …

Dealing with Difficulties in Meditation with Nando Bhikkhu

The Little Bangkok Sangha is inviting you to a Zoom meeting on Monday 8 August, 2022 from 6:30 – 08.00 PM Bangkok time. We are honored to host Ajahn Nando who will give a Dhamma talk on Dealing with Difficulties in Meditation. Afterwards there will be an opportunity to ask him some questions. Nando Bhikkhu …

When Faced With Crisis

The Little Bangkok Sangha is inviting you to a Zoom dharma talk by Robin Moore. Time: Monday April 11, 2022 from 06:30 PM – 8.00 PM Bangkok time https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6871703208 Meeting ID: 687 170 3208   Probably all Buddhists are familiar with the first noble truth of suffering. This talk will focus on the different shades …

The Art of Doing Nothing with Robin Moore

Monday, 13 December, 2021 : 06.30 pm – 20.00 pm  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6871703208 Meeting ID: 687 170 3208   Buddhism is known as a ‘religion of action’, and yet a significant part of the practice involves stepping out of the way and allowing a natural process to unfold. How do we skilfully embrace this apparent paradox?   …

Online Dhamma session with Robin Moore: “What Does It Mean to Be Human?”

  Topic: What Does It Mean To Be Human? Guided Meditation with Robin Moore Time: Jun 14, 2021 18:30 Bangkok Robin Moore was a monk in the Thai Forest tradition of Luang Por Chah for 18 years, living in both Thailand and the UK. The latter included four years (2003 to 2007) as abbot of …

BUDDHISM—BELONGING IN A DIVIDED WORLD : Reflections, Meditation and Discussion

BUDDHISM—BELONGING IN A DIVIDED WORLD : Reflections, Meditation and Discussion Monday 12th April 2021: 6.30 pm to 8.00 pm Mary Pipes will be sharing some introductory reflections on this topic before guiding us into a meditation to help us connect with the timeless reality that is ever present—our fundamental belonging. There will be time for …

“The Three Yanas of Buddhism Shravakayana [Theravada], Mahayana and Vajrayana : How They Are Both Similar and Different?”, an Online Dhamma Talk & Guided Meditation with Ringu Tulku Rinpoche

Tibetan Buddhist Master Ringu Tulku Rinpoche will lead an online guided meditation session with a topic “The Three Yanas of Buddhism Shravakayana [Theravada], Mahayana and Vajrayana : How They Are Both Similar and Different?” on Monday 10th May 2021 from 18.30 – 20.30 hrs Bangkok time.  The session will include a guided meditation session followed …

The Dharma of Non-self—Anatta: A Zoom Event @Sun 14 Jun

Contemplation & Crises The Dharma of Non-self—Anatta A Zoom Event Sunday 14th June 2020  3:30 PM to 5:00 PM Bangkok 9.30 AM to 11:00 AM London (BST) For other time zones click here   Times of crisis are times of change — periods when our reality shifts into a different form. How we react and …

Online Daily Meditations with Mae Chee Brigitte

Mae Chee Brigitte, who has led several retreats for the Little Bangkok Sangha, is offering daily 30 minute meditations in English at 1pm (Bangkok time) every day apart from Friday.  Click on the link below for times. We also suggest you check it in case there are any last minute changes by the organisers since …